As featured in the Wexford People paper on Tuesday 25th January 2022
€1.5m in LEADER funding supports businesses and groups in county
During 2021, Wexford Local Community Development Committee (LCDC) in partnership with Wexford Local Development (WLD) awarded LEADER grant aid of more than €1m to 22 businesses in the county to help them to grow and diversify.
In addition to this, a further €500,000 was awarded to 14 community and voluntary groups to refurbish community buildings, develop outdoor spaces, deliver training locally and implement biodiversity projects.
The diverse range of successful businesses supported includes niche food producers, tourism enterprises, creative industries and specialised engineering services from across the county. In summary, this grant aid is supporting the creation of 90 new jobs in the county as well as sustaining 217 existing jobs in these businesses.
LEADER funding continues to enable communities to realise local priorities, identified by the local community and WLD supported 14 groups to access funding in 2021. Among them was a newly formed group in Enniscorthy which will oversee the development of the town’s first community allotments, a training programme in climate action awareness attended by 30 community representatives, and grant aid for skills training and the purchase of equipment to support the renowned Write by the Sea Festival and enhance the quality of events held in Kilmore Quay each year.
Wexford LCDC in partnership with WLD has responsibility for the delivery of LEADER funding in the county under the remit of the Department of Rural and Community Development. Through LEADER, Wexford LCDC focuses on supporting community led local development, including diversification of the rural economy, the creation of employment opportunities, increased social inclusion and poverty reduction in the county.
Click here to see a list of businesses and communities that were awarded LEADER grant aids in 2021.