Company Status

Wexford Local Development is a company limited by guarantee (CLG) with charitable status.  The company registration number is 454533 with its registered office at Spawell Road, Wexford.  The CHY Number is 18086 and Registered Charity Number is 20068691. The company is exempt from the requirement to use the suffix CLG in its name.

Board of Directors

The structure of WLD has evolved over the past two decades, and conforms to the requirements of all the funding bodies and agencies within whom the organisation works in partnership with.  The main objectives of the Company are to engage in and support:

  • Social development
  • Support people to re-enter the labour market
  • Enterprise development to facilitate rural and urban regeneration
  • Community development, designed to benefit and promote the welfare of local communities or to deal with the causes and consequences of social and economic disadvantage or poverty in local communities or to deal with the causes and consequences of social and economic disadvantage or poverty.

The Board of WLD comprises a balanced and representative structure of partners of 11 people from the various local based socio-economic sectors.  With the exception of the Community and Voluntary board representatives, all other members are nominated onto the Board by invite from WLD.  The Community and Voluntary representatives are elected through an election process organised by WLD.  In 2015 there were a total of six seats on our board for community and voluntary representatives, four seats for area based representatives – one for each Municipal District (MD) and two seats for issue based representatives.  WLD aims to achieve balanced gender representation at all times.  The Board representation consists of the following sectors:

  • Community and Voluntary – 6
  • Statutory Agencies – 2
  • National Social Partners – 3

WLD Sub Committees

The following sub-committees were in operation in WLD during 2015 and 2016:

  1. Executive Committee
  2. Audit & Finance Committee
  3. Health & Safety Committee
  4. Wexford Education Network
  5. TUS & Rural Social Scheme Committee
  6. Meitheal Alliance
  7. BTWEA Enterprise Evaluation Committee
  8. Cornmarket Steering Group

Board of WLD

Michael Wall
David Ormonde
Liam O' Byrne
Kevin Molloy
Rosemary Butler
Breda Hayes
Dervla Tierney
Martin Reading
Sandra Dignam
Michael O' Reilly
Tony Dempsey
Pat O'Shea
Willie Fitzharris
Shane Forsey
Susan Neville

WLD Senior Management

Brian Kehoe
Clare Ryan
Programmes Manager
Carina Deegan
Finance Manager

Governance Code

At the July 2015 Board meeting, the members agreed to sign up to the ‘Governance Code’; this code clearly outlines the roles, duties and responsibilities of all those who sit on boards and management committees of Community & Voluntary and Charitable (CVC) organisations.  It provides a set of guiding principles for governance as well as clear actions that allow those principles to become real in an organisation.  In effect, it provides a job description for people who sit on boards and management committees.  WLD has been registered on website as “on the code – adoption journey”. 

The Governance Code is based on five main principles, each with three sub-principles.  For each principle there are recommended guidelines and actions on how to put the principle in place for the organisation.

The five principles are:

  1. Leading our organisation
  2. Exercise control over our organisation
  3. Being transparent and accountable
  4. Working effectively
  5. Behaving with integrity

The management team will continue to actively work towards full compliance with the code.