Case Studies

Wexford Local Development has developed a number of case studies to demonstrate how SICAP is implemented and the impact the programme has on individuals and communities across Co. Wexford.

These SICAP stories form part of a series of qualitative research projects overseen by Pobal and the Department of Rural & Community Development from 2018 onward.

The Social Inclusion and Community Activation Programme (SICAP) is co-funded by the Irish Government, through the Department of Rural and Community Development and the European Union through the European Social Fund Plus under the Employment, Inclusion, Skills and Training (EIST) Programme 2021 -2027.”

Doing What Matters in Times of Stress – A Peer-Led Community Education Programme for Ukrainian Refugees: SICAP Case Study – September 2023

This video case study showcases Self Help+, a stress management programme for refugees originally developed by the World Health Organisation and delivered by WLD under SICAP in 2023. It demonstrates the value of mental health and wellbeing initiatives being led by members of the community, in this case a team of five Ukrainian facilitators working under SICAP with WLD. It also shows how participating in group-based learning activities can help to reduce isolation and build bonds of solidarity between people experiencing adversity.

Self Help+ teaches the skills necessary to identify personal values and take positive action to live according to these values even in the midst of upheaval and distress. This hopeful orientation identifies strengths in individuals and communities and is highly compatible with the goals and Community Development approach of SICAP.

Read full textual narrative Self Help+ Case Study Narrative SICAP 2023

Doing What Matters in Times of Stress - A Peer-Led Community Education Programme for Ukrainian Refugees - SICAP 2022


Humans of SICAP: Valuing What Matters In SICAP Goal Two – September 2022

This video showcases the work done with individuals in SICAP Goal Two

SICAP, the Social Inclusion & Community Activation Programme, provides support to individuals in one to one and group settings – Goal 2 of the programme.
These activities are often seen as separate from the work with local community groups supported in Goal 1 of SICAP. However, community work begins with the individual, seeing their own potential and working towards a goal that matters to them. This creates the sense of belonging and contribution that is the bedrock of Community Development.

Wexford Local Development’s SICAP Job Skills Programme is an example of this work 

Read full textual narrative: Humans Of SICAP WLD 2022 Case Study

Humans of SICAP - Valuing What Matters In SICAP Goal 2 - SICAP 2022

“It Didn’t Start In March 2020”: An exploration of the relationship and synergies between SICAP and the Primary Health Care for Travellers Programme in engaging with the Traveller community in Co. Wexford before and during the COVID-19 Pandemic.
October 2021

This case study focuses on how Wexford Local Development succeeded in engaging members of the Travelling community in SICAP both in the years preceding and subsequent to the COVID pandemic. It looks not only at the impact of the pandemic and the practical actions that were required as a result, but also at our history of involvement with this community, across programmes in a wide range of areas from health to education and training to employment, some directly funded by SICAP, others with resources secured from or managed on behalf of other statutory bodies.

Read full textual narrative: “It Didn’t Start In March 2020” 


I Feel Home: The Transformative Power of Deep Value Relationships – October 2020

This video showcases the different elements of the relational approach we take through the Social Inclusion & Community Activation Programme (SICAP) and how it has evolved in our work with people seeking international protection in Co. Wexford.

The SICAP target group featured – People Seeking International Protection (Identified by Wexford LCDC as the Emerging Needs Target Group 2020)

Read full textual narrative: 

I Feel Home; The Transformative Power of Deep Value Relationships- SICAP 2020


University of the South End: Developing People, Changing Communities – October 2019

This video case study, featuring a Goal 1 project, tells the story of how SICAP has worked with a local Family Resource Centre to bring third level Community Development education directly into a disadvantaged area in Wexford town, providing on the job training opportunities for students and building the technological capacity of the centre to deliver an immersive learning experience.

The SICAP target group featured are people living in disadvantaged communities.

Read full textual narrative: University of the South End WLD SICAP Case Study 2019 Narrative

The University of the South End; Developing People, Changing Communities - SICAP 2019

Collaboration at work in Courtown/Riverchapel – October 2018

One of the core principles of SICAP 2018-2022 is collaboration and the ability to utilise the resources from the SICAP programme to work with other stakeholders.

In our 2018 written case study we have highlighted how we have taken the lead in developing a collaborative response to addressing social exclusion and in building community capacity in the Courtown/Riverchapel area of north Co. Wexford.

Read full text Case Study – Collaboration in Courtown/Riverhchapel in 2018

More SICAP 2018 Stories

In late 2018 we documented three local projects at community level in order to highlight how SICAP actually impacts at grass-roots level.

These videos tell three different stories and formed part of a social media campaign in December 2018 generating awareness of the programme locally.

Wexford Working Men's Club - SICAP 2018

Taghmon Community Enhancement Programme project - SICAP 2018

Enniscorthy Women's Shed - SICAP 2018

It is widely acknowledged that it is difficult to demonstrate impact, particularly when applying community development approaches.

‘Hard’ outcomes can be more readily demonstrated, for example if someone is assisted to find work or completes a lifelong learning course this outcome is is clear to see and can be reported as such. Often however, engaging with people, communities and groups results in ‘soft’ change which is more challenging to establish and to provide supporting evidence. These types of outcomes lend themselves to being demonstrated and evaluated through qualitative research and case studies such as those featured above.