The first public consultation on the new LEADER Programme in Co. Wexford was held in the Talbot Hotel in Wexford town last night. A lot of ideas were generated by members of the public who had an interest in seeing how the LEADER Programme can benefit Wexford over the coming years.

The meeting centred around a series of round table discussions which allowed members of the public to bring forward their ideas and suggestions which could be integrated into the Local Development Strategy, the plan for the LEADER Programme in Wexford. The proposals from the public covered a wide range of topics in the community, enterprise and environmental sectors.
Last nights meeting was the first of a series of 5 public events which we have planned throughout Co. Wexford over the coming weeks. The other events will be held in:

Amber Springs Hotel, Gorey – Wednesday 23rd September
Riverside Park Hotel, Enniscorthy – Monday 28th September
Millrace Hotel, Bunclody Wednesday 30th September
Brandon House Hotel, New Ross Monday 5th October
Each of these events will allow locals to have a say in the development of our county over the coming five years. Everyone with an interest is welcome to attend.

We have also published online surveys for the Community and Enterprise Sectors to allow those who are unable to attend one of our public events the opportunity to provide their input into the design of the next LEADER Programme. The deadline for completion of these surveys is 5pm on Friday 16th October. The surveys can be completed at: