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There are 18 businesses from all over the country competing at the ILDN National Enterprise Awards Final which is taking place on Thursday, 15th September 2016 in the Gibson Hotel in Dublin when the overall winner will be announced.


The 3 Wexford based businesses representing the East Region at the National Enterprise Awards Final are:

• The Red Door Coffee Shop and Deli – Michael O’Connor

• Mairead McDaid – Chartered Physiotherapy & Neurological Rehabilitation

• Wexford Lavender Farm – Moira Hart


As advised, this is a brand new initiative for the enterprise sector in the county, and indeed nationally. It recognises the success of individuals who have set up their business with WLD supports. These supports include the Back to Work Enterprise Allowance Scheme (BTWEA) and/or the Short Term Enterprise Allowance (STEA) scheme which are funded by the Department of Social Protection (DSP).


Click here for a preview of the various businesses competing at the inaugural awards event



Wishing every success to Michael, Mairead and Moira at the final. UP WEXFORD!


Moira Hart, Michael O'Connor and Mairead McDaid


Moira Hart, Michael O’Connor and Mairead McDaid



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